Are you getting enough sleep?
This may seem like a simple question to answer. But is it? There are many people, not giving themselves enough sleep to help their body function. And most are unaware of the potential adverse health effects of chronic sleep loss. One of the most common things we see in Clinic at Vital Effect with our clients is the link between chronic health conditions and a lack of sleep. Research states that even short-term restrictions in sleep result in a variety of adverse physiological effects, including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, developing symptomatic ...
Spring Smoothie Recipe
by Our Naturopath Blaise Duarte BHlsc Nat., BHlsc DERM. Looking to improve your intake of fibre and protein? Here’s a healthy way to kick off your day! Ingredients: 2 ripe peaches 1 tablespoon of chiaseeds or flaxseeds 2 tablespoons of LSA (or a small handful or raw almonds) ½ frozen banana (already peeled and diced) ¼ cup of fresh orange juice ½ cup organic almond milk. 1 tablespoon agave or rice bran syrup ½ cup rolled oats (or use quinoa flakes if wanting gluten free option) Directions: Add ...

How mentally strong are you?
Reaching your greatest potential is part striving for the positive goals in life, but more importantly it’s having the mental courage and fortitude to accurately manage the downsides. Our ten top tips for honing mental agility and strength. Don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself. It is futile to wallow in problems and often easy to exaggerate the tough stuff. Hardship and sorrow are inevitable but feeling sorry for yourself is a choice. Our advice – find three things to be grateful for every day. This is excellent dinner conversation ...
Have you had enough water today?
Our Naturopath Blaise told us that we lose water not only through urine, but through our lungs, faeces, sweat and evaporation through our skin. We have continual evaporation from our skin and lungs which accounts for approximately ½ of our daily fluid loss! Who would have thought? If you are already feeling thirsty, you may already be slightly dehydrated! Here our 10 signs that you may be dehydrated: headaches, poor concentration, fatigue, dry mouth, eyes and skin, itchy skin, loss of appetite, ...
Detoxing this Spring
There are dozens of different types of detoxes out there to choose from. A safe, sensible detox should be monitored by a health professional. At Vital Effect, our Naturopath will work with you to choose a detox plan that suits your individual needs, taking into consideration your medical history, diet and lifestyle factors. It’s important that a detox fits in with your lifestyle demands and your capabilities. The difference between a monitored detox program when compared with an off-the-shelf program is the personalised prescribed nutritional and herbal supplementation targeted to ...

Bespoke Skincare with Dermaviduals
Whenever you see inflamed skin, regardless of its cause, it means that the stratum corneum is leaky and permeable. But, if you repair the stratum corneum that tells the underlying tissues that they don’t have to keep reacting like there’s danger in the environment.” Dr Albert Kligman (pioneer of Corneotherapy). Dermaviduals is a unique and effective range of treatments and products that aim to restore balance to the stratum corneum and promote health, balanced skin. The Dermaviduals range utilises the key principle of Corneotherapy which is to re-establish the stratum ...

Spring Detox
Finally spring is here at last!!! Everything seems possible in spring because it’s the season for cleansing, trying new things, a fresh life and new beginnings. It’s the perfect time to turn over a new leaf and embark on a Vital Effect Detox journey. Why Detox? Spring is the ideal time of year to go on a Detox to clear away all those internal and external toxins we’ve been exposed to. Some people say we don’t need to do a detox, however our modern world ...

Autumn. Repair. Replenish. Rejuvenate
Autumn is the season for letting go and releasing things that have been a burden. The leaves change colour due to the changes in chilly temperatures and they fall off making branches bare ready for new growth. Changes occur in preparation for the cold winter months ahead. At Vital Effect, we believe Autumn is all about 3 simple words, Repair, Replenish and Rejuvenate. REPAIR. It’s time to restore what has been damaged by the hot summer months we’ve had. Exfoliation: This will remove that dry, dull and lifeless looking skin, ...

What is Corneotherapy?
Corneotherapy approaches skin care uniquely by aiming to always preserve the integrity of the epidermis. The most outer layer of the epidermis is the skin’s barrier – or stratum corneum. The stratum corneum functions to form a wall to protect the underlying tissue from infection, dehydration, chemicals and mechanical stress. The Dermaviduals philosophy is based on corneatherapy. At its foundation, the Dermaviduals principal is that skin cannot be corrected if the stratum corneum is not in equilibrium. The stratum corneum, once seen as a layer of ‘dead’ cells whose sole ...

Tackling Dry Skin
Is the air-conditioning getting your skin down? We often have air conditioning on at home and at work – it’s tough on your skin. In fact your skin can feel tight and itchy and generally uncomfortable. Here’s five secrets to combatting dry skin: 1. Tackle dead skin build-up. If you’re not exfoliating properly you may have an accumulation of thickened, dead skin inhibiting your facial creams from getting to their target site. Start with an exfoliation aligned with your skin type to prepare your skin for hydration. 2. Seek professional ...